Our Story

Butterops is a community for open-source projects. It houses the documentation, tutorial, frequently asked questions and also form to report bugs for open-source projects. This website is dedicated to developers who are interested in learning about open-source and also contributing to these projects. Here, you can explore different ways we serve the open-source community and also help us make these open-source projects even more awesome!

An open-source project (referred to as software here) is software which, its source code is available to the public for modification or enhancement. It can be improved by adding features to it or fixing parts that do not always work correctly. Open-source development promotes not only innovation but also accelerates progress in all aspects of software development. The collaborative nature of open-source software can foster a sense of community and cooperation, which can have positive effects on society as a whole.

Additionally, the openness of open-source software can promote transparency and accountability, as anyone can view the code and see how it works. This can help to build trust and confidence in the software, and can also make it easier for people to understand how the software functions and what it does. Another benefit of open-source is that it can promote competition and choice in the market. Because anyone can freely use, modify, and distribute open-source software, there is often a wide variety of different versions and implementations available. This can provide users with more options and allow them to choose the software that best meets their needs. Moreover, it can promote competition among developers, as they can build on each other’s work and create new and improved versions of the software. This can drive innovation and progress in the technology industry, and can ultimately benefit users by providing them with better and more advanced software.

ButterOps started in Bengaluru, India. I @mrdotkg, brought this multi disciplinary software team together in early 2020. Our founding team includes experts in Product/SaaS Development. Today, we empower digital literacy among software developers with open-source tools and services.

Collaborate with us to start and grow your - online service | side projects | software skills.

‘Open’ isn’t just a technological shift, it’s “how we’ll work, live, and learn in the future”.

David Price